One of the goals of the Survey of the Health of Wisconsin (SHOW) is to support cutting-edge health research at the University of Wisconsin by providing a cost-effective research infrastructure and a vast biorepository of human biospecimens suitable for multi-omics analysis. In accord with this goal, SHOW is launching a new initiative to support grant development.
SHOW has funds available for UW investigators to generate laboratory-based preliminary data using SHOW biospecimens (up to four proposals of $5,000-$10,000 each).
The SHOW biobank maintains a state-of-art biorepository linked to extensive population-based data for health-related research. It offers several types of biospecimens (plasma, serum, urine, whole blood DNA) from more than 5,000 adults and stool samples from 700 adults of diverse racial, age, socioeconomic and geographic background.
To be eligible for SHOW funds, the following criteria should be met:
- UW-Madison investigator
- hypothesis-driven research proposal
- plans to submit R01 grant application (or other type of extramurally-funded grant) within approximately 18 months of receiving assay results
- use of SHOW biospecimens to generate preliminary data
- plans to use SHOW biospecimens/infrastructure in the proposed grant application
Interested investigators should submit a proposal, no longer than two pages, containing the following information:
- name
- contact information
- department
- budget
- narrative – including a brief background, description of aims, preliminary data needed for the R01 (or other) proposal, methods used for biosample analysis, and plans including timeline for the R01 submission
Proposals should be submitted to
Each proposal will be reviewed by the SHOW Scientific Committee (chaired by Drs. Kristen Malecki and Paul Peppard). Funding decisions will be based on the criteria above, and other factors including proposals’ compatibility with SHOW’s overall goals/objectives.
Please share this information with investigators in your department. There is no formal deadline although a limited amount of funds is available. Proposals will be reviewed on an ongoing but first-come first-serve basis starting Jan. 10, 2019 until all funds are distributed. Biospecimen fees may be waived or reduced for proposals receiving SHOW funds.
Read the full article at: